Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Bankruptcy, Family Law & Criminal Defense.
When a Debtor is Living on Credit: Discharging Recent Credit Card Debt!
Often debtors incur credit card debt in the weeks before filing bankruptcy. This debt can be discharged, but be wary of the presumption of fraud.
Bankruptcy Abandonment: What it Means to You
Chapter 7 filers discharge most debt and usually keep their property including home equity, retirement savings and more.
New Jersey Alimony: When Can I Retire?
In New Jersey, current law presumes that spousal support should end when the paying spouse retires. That makes things easy if the divorcing couple can agree about the payor’s retirement.
This Isn’t Forever: Protect Your Credit, & Land on Your Feet
While staying healthy and safe are the top priorities, you may also be concerned about how current economic conditions will affect your finances. Managing your personal finances and using the resources available to you will help get you through the crisis. And, land on your feet when it’s finally over.
Debt Solutions: Bankruptcy v. Debt Settlement
Debt settlement is a term used to describe negotiating with your creditors to force them to accept less money than you owe. Debt settlement companies “DSCs” do this work for you, but you must pay them whether they reduce your debt or not.
Why Does She Have More Parenting Time Than Me?
In a world where both parents work, and fathers raise children, the presumption that mothers automatically get primary custody no longer exists. So, why does she have more parenting time than me?
How Much Does It Cost to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Want to know what it costs to file chapter Seven Bankruptcy? You’ll pay a fixed court filing fee, and a small charge for credit counseling. But, attorneys fees range from $500 to $5,000. But is the lowest cost is not always the best option?
Managing Debt: Is Bankruptcy the Only Option?
Are you facing a mountain of debt? Face it head on. Your attorney can guide you to the option that is best for your situation.
Post Conviction Relief: When a Conviction is Unjust.
Post-conviction relief is sometimes called conviction integrity because the procedure ensures that the conviction is just.
Facing A Domestic Violence Charge! What's Next?
A domestic violence conviction carries serious civil and criminal penalties. In some cases, offenders face stiff prison sentences and fines.
Will I Lose My Property If I File for Bankruptcy? Nope!
Chapter 7 filers discharge most debt and usually keep their property including home equity, retirement savings and more.
Can Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Help Me Save My Home?
Can filing a chapter 13 Bankruptcy save your home from foreclosure. The short answer is, “Yes!” But, the devil is in the details.
Crafting a Chapter 13 Plan: Confirmed by Design!
Crafting a Chapter 13 repayment plan requires skill. Learn the basics here, then dive deep with our in-depth articles about bankruptcy and debt restructuring.
Bankruptcy Credit Counseling: What, When, How & Why.
Bankruptcy credit counseling and debtor education is mandatory for individuals who want to eliminate their debt. Learn why, how, where, and when to take these courses.
The 341a Hearing - Time to Meet the Trustee and Creditors!
The 341a Meeting of Creditors is a mandatory meeting all bankruptcy filers must attend. Learn about the conference, how to prepare, what to bring, and where to go in northern New Jersey.
Is Chapter 11 Right For My Small Business?
If you own a small business and need to escape business crippling debt, Chapter 11 bankruptcy may be your best option.